Meet the People of the Power Project

  • Lameka Bell

    Lameka Bell is a K9 Specialist who works out of the Community Affairs Bureau for the Hawthorne Police Department. During twenty seven years of work, Lameka has fulfilled many roles both in and out of the police department. In 2012 Lameka founded the non-profit Power Project (Project Opportunity) with the intent on helping the young, underserved girls of Hawthorne. Using the non-traditional sport of ice hockey, and strong female role models from the community, Lameka provides these young girls the opportunity to develop into dynamic and influential women. In 2021 Lameka was announced as the first person to hold the title of Direction for the Board of Diversity and Inclusion for the California Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA). As the Vice President of Power Project, Lameka actively participates within her program both on and off the ice, consistently establishing connections with others to broaden opportunities for her young participants.

  • Robbie Williams

    Robbie Williams, the current Chief of Public Safety at Loyola Marymount University, boasts a remarkable 25-year career from the Hawthorne Police Department, holding key positions such as Community Affairs Bureau Commander and the Special Victims Investigation Supervisor. Prior to his law enforcement career, Robbie has made a meaningful impact as a Mental Health Social Worker at the Portals Mental Health Rehabilitation Center in Los Angeles. With a solid foundation in community building, Robbie has been with Power Project since its creation in 2012 serving as its Director, balancing both a full professional life and full participation within the program.

  • Joyce Walker of Hawthorne PD

    Joyce Walker

    Joycelyn (Joyce) Walker resides in Los Angeles, CA and boasts a career spanning over twenty-one years with the Hawthorne Police Department, where she has held various roles, including Records and Administration. As of 2019 she was assigned to the Detective Bureau as the Administrative Assistant. Joyce has been an active board member of the Power Project since its establishment in 2012 and assumed the role of treasurer in 2014, dedicating over a decade of her efforts to this organization. Joyce has a passion for people and service, which has aided her greatly and successfully throughout her career, and hopes to continue to focus that passion in Power Project creating and maintaining her professional standards.

  • Kasey Maruya

    Kasey Maruya has been an employee of the Hawthorne Police Department for over eight years, consistently serving in the Community Affairs Bureau, where she has been actively involved in various aspects of the bureau's operations. Additionally, she has played a vital role in the Power Project and was elected as Secretary in 2018. Kasey maintains an enthusiastic approach to assisting children and is frequently present at practices and in mentoring classes. Her responsibilities encompass essential tasks, including email correspondence, communication with parents, and coordination of events. She is dedicated to nurturing the growth and development of both the program and its young participants, helping them both to reach their fullest potential.

  • Darnell Wallace

    Darnell Wallace has served the Hawthorne Police Department for 36 years. While the majority of his career has been dedicated to working in and overseeing the jail, he currently holds the position of Facility Manager for the department. Among his numerous responsibilities are managing the Police Fleet, working with I.T., and maintaining the department's facilities. Darnell has been an integral part of Project Opportunity, including both of its encompassed programs Power Project and Hawthorne Force, since its creation in 2012. With his versatile skillset, Darnell has fulfilled multiple roles within Power Project, including those of a coach, mentor, and coordinator. Presently, Darnell continues to serve as a reliable and responsible Power Project board member.